Legal notices
Protection of privacy
The website accessible at the URL address belongs to Factofrance and meets legal obligations.
Factofrance respects the trust you place in it and the privacy of Internet users.
The personal data that you may communicate to us will be processed in accordance with the European general data protection regulation. The details as well as the procedures for exercising your rights are described in the Privacy and personal data protection policy.
Legal information
Factofrance, a limited company with a capital of 507,452,317 euros whose registered office is Tour D2 - 17 bis place des Reflets - 92988 Paris La Défense CEDEX, France - 380 307 413 RCS Nanterre - Intra-community VAT number: FR06380307413. Bank approved in France by the Autorité de contrôle prudentiel et de résolution.
Chair of the Board of Directors : Claude Koestner.
Managing Director : Philippe Mutin.
Publication & Editorial Manager Managing Director : Philippe Mutin.
The company is a member of the Association Française des Sociétés Financières.
Website publisher and host
Factofrance, a limited company
Capital of €507,452,317
Headquarters: Tour D2 -17 bis Place des Reflets - 92919 Paris La Défense CEDEX, France
Nanterre Trade and Companies Register (RCS) : number 063 802 466.
Chair of the Board of Directors : Claude Koestner.
Managing Director : Philippe Mutin.
Telephone : 01 46 35 70 00
Publication Director
Managing Director : Philippe Mutin.
A Simplified Joint-Stock Company (Société par Actions Simplifiée)
Registered office : 4, rue Frédéric-Guillaume Raiffeisen- 67000 Strasbourg, France
Strasbourg Trade and Companies Register (RCS) : number 312 730 674
Telephone : 03 88 14 88 14
Factofrance declines all responsibility for the content of these pages and the use that may be made of it. Factofrance cannot be held responsible in any way whatsoever if the documents and related graphic elements published on this server contain technical inaccuracies or typographical errors, and also of the changes that are periodically made to the information contained on this server.
Factofrance reserves the right to terminate access to the website at any time and without notice.
Statement of rights
The text and graphic elements, their presentation and layout on this website are the property of Factofrance. They constitute works and are protected as such by the laws of countries around the world and international treaties.
All personal data collected directly by Factofrance and disseminated on this website is covered by a prior request for permission from the interested parties.
Any use on this website of logos, personal information belonging to a third party as well as any dissemination of articles published in the written press is covered by prior, express and written permission (paper or electronic).
User Licence
By accessing this website or any of its elements, you accept a licence granted by Factofrance under the conditions defined below. Access to the products and services described on this website may be restricted for certain people or in certain countries. None of the products or services presented here will be supplied by Factofrance to a person if the law of their country of origin or of any other country which concerns them prohibits it. It remains the responsibility of any interested party to check beforehand with their usual advisers that their legal and fiscal status allows them to subscribe to the products and/or services presented on this website.
The following rights are exclusively granted under this licence: a right of private, personal and non-transmissible use of the content of the website or of one of its elements, a right of reproduction on storage for the purpose of representation on a single-user screen and reproduction, in one copy, for back-up or print-out on paper, any kind of use of documents from this website must mention the source.
Subject to the rights granted above, the following are formally prohibited: any representation and/or reproduction, even partial, of the content of this website and/or one of its elements and in particular for commercial and/or distribution purposes, any use of any of the elements of the website in a networked computer environment, through the linking mechanism. In particular, the presentation of a page of this website in a frame not belonging to Factofrance (by the "framing" technique) and the insertion of an image belonging to Factofrance in a page not belonging to Crédit Mutuel Alliance Fédérale (by the "in line linking" technique) are prohibited. The repeated and systematic extraction of protected or unprotected elements from the website causing any damage whatsoever to Factofrance. This particularly concerns the elements protected by the French Intellectual Property Code on the legal protection of databases.
However, the establishment of links to the page whose address is is authorised under the following cumulative conditions :
- That this page appears under this (these) address(es).
- That if the links are established from the figurative mark, Factofrance authorises reproduction and representation for this purpose only.
- That the websites operating links to this address carry out business and disseminate information, images and any other medium in accordance with public order and morality and generally comply with French law.
Factofrance reserves the right to modify these conditions at any time. Factofrance reserves the right to modify or correct the content of this website at any time and without notice. All rights not expressly granted herein are reserved by Factofrance.
The hypertext links directing to other websites from cannot, under any circumstances, engage the responsibility of Factofrance.
Should you disagree with the above-mentioned statements, we invite you not to continue visiting this website and not to use it.
Proper performance of contracts - Complaints - Mediation
Your trust and loyalty is built on a relationship based on clarity. Factofrance has always been committed to this transparency, by offering you clear information on the operation of its products and services made available to you.
Despite our constant concern to bring you the best quality of service, difficulties may arise.
Factofrance has set up a system for managing the complaints received aimed at dealing with the dissatisfaction of its customers, in accordance with applicable regulations, in an efficient, transparent and harmonised way.
Definition of the complaint : A complaint is the written expression of a dissatisfaction relating to the provision of a benefit or a service.
The communication sent by the customer must clearly indicate that it is a complaint.
For all products and services provided, a single point of contact will endeavour to find a solution or direct your request to the relevant person.
Firstly : Contact your privileged interlocutor.
Contact your manager or account manager. They can be reached by any means at your convenience.
- By e-mail
- By post
- By telephone (or fax)
- By making an appointment
Secondly : The "Customer Relations Department" is always at your disposal. If you are not satisfied with the response provided by the privileged interlocutor, you can contact the "Customer Relations Department"to have your request reconsidered.
You can reach this department by :
Mail :
Service relation clientèle
Tour D2
17 bis place des Reflets
92988 Paris La Défense CEDEX
FRANCE - Email :
Applicable law
This site is subject to French law.
EPR IUD for paper products